Hendrix Law
Excellence, Efficiency, Integrity, Connections

Hendrix Law is a law firm in Calgary, Alberta, servicing the Province of Alberta and the North West, Nunavut and Yukon Territories in Real Estate, Foreclosure and Wills and Estates Law. We are a member in good standing of the Better Business Bureau.
MLS Requirements
THE CANADIAN REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION’S DUTY OF COOPERATION POLICY – TRANSPARENCY VIA THE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE During their Annual General Meeting in April of 2023, the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) voted in favor of adding a policy of a “Duty of Cooperation” to be added to the Realtor Code. This duty of cooperation requires […]
Autism Awareness Coloring Contest!
It’s that time of year! We continue to strive to raise awareness about Autism Spectrum Condition. What better way to start a discussion than by coloring with your family! Submissions can be dropped off at our office or submitted online to www.autismcolouringcontest.ca or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Autismcontestyyc/ Colouring Template 2023Final
Foreign Ownership of Land Amendments
Amendments to the Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act and the Regulations It didn’t take long for the government to recognize how this ban essentially discourages new comers to establish their roots in Canada and consider our country their new home. Amendments have been introduced on March 27, 2023. Noting the […]
Find Us
#500, 707 – 7th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta Canada
T2P 3H6
Contact Us
Phone: (403) 269-9400
Fax: (403) 266-2447
Email: dhendrix@hendrixlaw.ca